Lindsay Amantea has all the details on that moratorium — she spells this out amazingly well for the rest of us. Also, those federal regulations? Lindsay says you can find the rest of the story in Triple Crown, former Premier Jim Prentice’s book.
She’s also put together a form letter if you’ve got concerns about government interfering with a *cough* “free” market.
P.S. send me a note if you’re a paid substack subscriber who also wanted unlimited access to the podcasts. Episodes for subscribers have been posted in patreon but I can add you to the list if you were supporting both!

Women of ABpoli
Covering Alberta and Canadian politics, current events, policy, and news. Hosted by Deirdre Mitchell-MacLean @mitchell_ab and Kathleen Smith @kikkiplanet
Covering Alberta and Canadian politics, current events, policy, and news. Hosted by Deirdre Mitchell-MacLean @mitchell_ab and Kathleen Smith @kikkiplanetListen on
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