My heart just hurt all day listening to / watching the news unfolding yesterday. It hurt for the children holding signs that said, “I belong to my father”, or said to the camera,“I don’t want them turning us gay”. It bled for all of the children who have been shown up front and in their face that they and their families are not as safe as they might have thought they were.

The sheer volume of conspiracy-laden vitriol that’s being spewed is staggering. On par with other recent bot-farm driven campaigns though. None of it is rooted in fact but emotions are so wrapped up in it that facts just don’t matter to them anymore.

The irony of “leave our kids alone” is completely lost on those holding the signs. 🥲

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The hypocrisy has always been the low lying fruit in politics for me but this level, and the ramifications of it, are mind blowing to me.

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Well said

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