Jul 17Liked by Deirdre Mitchell-MacLean

Many are willing to ignore Danielle Smith’s more extreme policy decisions be cause they’ve “always voted conservative”. It should be clear by now that she should be judged by the company she keeps and her parroting of the most cynical and repulsive Republican talking points. She suggested that Tucker Carlson should “put Guilbeault in his crosshairs”. Yet it’s the progressives who are responsible for violence. This transparent nonsense should disgust more Albertans than it actually does. We deserve better that this awful path she’s leading us down.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by Deirdre Mitchell-MacLean

An author I recently heard about claims this is cyclic American behaviour and political turmoil erupts every fifty years. Another commentator I heard claims violence is ingrained into the American political psyche. I think both of these ideas could be valid.

What we are all seeing lately is a rise of blaming in world politics, one side blaming the other for perpetrating and the other blaming the victim. It's like dealing with the office brown noser hired by a gullible employer, who turns the office/factory floor, into their own private fiefdom, complete with favourites and sycophants—not a functioning government. Just as a brown noser's wet dream is to own the company, political leaders are aspiring to be the country, or god.

If you've ever had to suffer the misery under the influence of a brown noser you know how devastating it is to morale and there is a lot of fallout because of it. There's only one response to brown nosers, acting together to turf the shite. Politically this is harder to do since reliable information to form a consensus is plagued with misdisinformation.

I haven't read the American DoI, but it has been criticized for being deeply divisive and protecting the rights of some more than others. The seeds of discontent written into their law could be the reason for the violence, so why is it seeping into other nations around the world. America wasn't the only nation created out of violence.

Are we just barbarians pretending to be civilized.

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I think we see it where citizens realize the laws not only don’t benefit them, but in some ways actively undermine their rights. I have a theory that Trump’s show about “draining the swamp” and how so much is “unfair” isn’t actually an act. Trump led a privileged life, certainly, but there is a class even he wasn’t invited into: the “old money that can trace their lineage back to the original colonies” class.

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Laws were created by the people who wanted to protect their own interests, so, not necessarily the majority, but the powerful, and everyone else was a threat to those interests and that power, so…

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Jul 17Liked by Deirdre Mitchell-MacLean

I will take great delight watching the old money getting their behinds bit, for putting Trump in the oval office again and becomes the dictator he aspires to be.

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